Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, August 23 2008 (Day 185)

Dad is slowly getting back to normal, He is still kind of difficult to understand, although his mind, memory and abilities are returning to pre-hospital stay. Dad is getting to where he can feed himself again. He is very pleased to be eating solid food again. He finally seems to be getting full too.
Dad will be starting physical therapy again on Monday. Hopefully this will help with the pains in leg. They think it may just be from not moving and he is getting tired of laying in bed.
His attitude and outlook is improving greatly. Dad is also getting his sense of humor back and he is getting the "old sparkle" back in his eyes.
Dad is defiantly back on an upswing, please keep him in your prayers and positive thoughts, that he can continue on this path.
Love to All;

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