Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday, September 2 2008 (Day 195)

Today was another good He was tired tonight as he was busy all day. He had some PT, and a visit from Uncle Franklin and Aunt Donna, lately he has really been enjoying having company. I actually think he is interacting better than before. Dads speech has made a 110% improvement over the past month or so. He is keeping track of his days left at BSCH. He is getting comfortable with the staff there though, he heard the Aides go by with the vitals cart and he said "there go the monkeys with the cart". I mentioned it to the aides, he just grinned and shook his head no.
His leg pain is letting up and getting more tolerable, so he is on his way once again. He looks forward to PT as it helps the lower body pains.
Things are really looking up for Dad once again, Thank You all for all the prayers and support for my Dad and family, it means so much to know so many still care.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing.......
Love to All;

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