Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday, October 3 2008 (Day 226)

Hi everyone... contrary to what I have been posting.... I haven't given up on this blog! I have been going in circles the past week trying to keep up on both houses, coordinating appointments and meeting with home health. I will try and post on Tuesdays and Fridays.
We are working with the VA on a new either an power chair or a scooter, along with a platform lift for my van, as of right now it looks quite positive that it may happen. We have to get him to an appointment on the fifteenth to find out.

Dad is progressing and adjusting quite well. He was quite stiff and sore, we have been working with him along with his PT and he seems to be loosening up some. We were quite surprised to find that his OT is from Ovid. The new staff all seem to be quite nice people, he still misses his "girls" though. Right now they are concentrating on strengthening his trunk and left side. His right side is still unresponsive, other than reflex actions. He is beginning to spend more time up in his chair, especially when company stops by. Dad likes to be out in the living room and visit "like the old days". Dad is trying to be live as normal as his disabilities will allow him.

Dads appetite is great, he is SO happy to have "real" food. Most nights Kathy cooks enough for them too, until they get settled into a routine at least. He is very alert to what is going on around him and is communicating quite well with every one. He still stumbles on some words and phrases, as is expected, but seems to be improving. On our next visit to the VA we will see about the progress on his Voice Computer also. This is specially programmed for him and his needs.

Mom seems to be adjusting quite well too. She does at times seemed to be a bit overwhelmed, but overall she is still being strong, and continuously learning and trying, like I have said before, my pride and respect for both my parents has grown immensely.

Today, Mom and Patty D. had a short day out, We stayed with Dad and finished up a few projects while he got some sleep. Seems to have done Mom some good to spend some unstressed time with a friend and just relax.

Please remember them in your prayers and thoughts, it isn't over yet.....

Love to All;


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