Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday, December 20 2008 (Day 298)

Well Dad is trying to get settled in at home. He was quite pleased to get in his bed and his room. The home nurses will start coming again today and therapy will start next week. He said he is ready to get going. I told him we are going to have to use the Hoyer to move him for a few days, at least until I can move myself a little better. He informed me last night that he wants to "go to a shop and buy something". Don and I were going to take him the weekend he went to ER, so Kathy and I will take him the first part of the week and let him shop, should do him some good.
Dads speech is improving too, when he gets stuck on a word we are to give him the first sound and try and get him to work from there. Sometimes works, sometimes it gets a little interesting! The same speech therapist that worked with him in the hospital will be coming to the house three evenings a week. I do need to make up some "word boards" for him for when he gets stuck on a name or item.
Mom is pretty much over her cold, so she is feeling better and starting get a little more active too which makes things better around the house. Her dialysis is still keeping everything in check, She went Thursday to her clinic and all is well in that area. Hopefully we can keep one or both of them healthy for a while now.
Please remember them i your prayers and keep the good thoughts flowing their way....
Love to All, and enjoy your Holiday Week ;

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