Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday, December 30 2008 (Day 308)

Well, we officially have 1 day left of this year, looking back it has been a mixed bag. We look at Dads year, his entire life has been changed, yet he is still here and seeming to make progress at a slow, albeit steady pace. His speech is coming along quite well, he can carry a conversation with you, sometimes he stumbles and gets frustrated, but other than that he likes to sit and talk. He is doing an excellent job feeding himself and many of his daily needs. It is hard "ignoring" him when he says he needs help, when we know he can do it on his own.
Health wise he is doing better, he is looking good and quite alert. He is eating well and often, although he isn't eating the amounts he did before his stroke. Dads diabetes is under control strictly by diet, no meds, although I have to check it daily.
Cortney and Fran were up on Sunday for our Christmas, Dad had a good day and was definitely ready for bed that evening, he is sleeping quite well and through the night.
I hope everyone has a great New Year, Please keep Dad in your thoughts and prayers as we enter this New Year and hopefully a better one for all.....
Love to All;

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