Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 28 2008 (Day 221)

"Ohhh Man!" We heard that quite a bit yesterday, that is Dads phrase when he is uncomfortable or tired. Kathy, Don and I took Dad to the Gilbert Reunion. He really enjoyed himself and said it was definitely worth the trip. He got to see some countryside and his family, he was tired, sore and very happy.
Dad starts his new "PT" program today, he is not really looking forward to it but says he needs it. We are doing some of his exercises in between visits, and trying to keep him limber.
His speech continues to improve as well as his motor controls. The main goal right now is to strengthen his left side in order to assist us more in helping him.
Things at home still seem to be falling into place and getting easier for all of us. We are still learning and rearranging and adjusting. but all in all Dad is comfortable and happy to be back there.
Thank You All for everything you have done and the calls and caring messages along this challenging path we have been on for the past seven months, You all know we couldn't have made it with out the support.
Please remember to keep them in your prayers and thoughts......
Love to All;

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