Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday, November 8 2008 (Day255)

Dad is getting settled in at Rehab, he has started therapy and says it is long hard and worth it. His infection is cleared up, and all his blood test are back to normal. Dads sugar has finally leveled out too, so his appetite is returning, he gets a better menu here, along with an "ala carte" menu so he has options beyond the daily options.
Dads power chair arrived yesterday, Mom and I took it to him, he was grinning like a little kid. He wanted to try it, but was to tired. It is fun though and that thing is quick, (7mph doesn't sound fast but try i it on a chair!!). We are waiting for an appointment to get the lift installed, then Dad can be "normal" and get out more.
Patty is up with mom this weekend, I think it will do both of them some good. Kathy and I are taking them somewhere today, but we haven't been told where yet.
Once again things are starting to look up, lets all hope it stays on this route for a while... please keep the prayers and thoughts flowing their way.....
Love to All;

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