Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday, November 4 2008 (Day 251)

Okay I am finally back on line!!! A new laptop, and a whole bunch time on the phone to tech support I finally got the wifi to talk to the pc.....
Dad is still at Bay Med, everything is going quite well, his sugar is leveled out, his temp is staying down. He is on a 10 day regimen of antibiotics, they may send him home with an IV, he was expecting to come home today, and was quite vocal about the fact that he didn't get released, it was NOT pretty. When I walked in his room he proceeded to tell me I was lying to him and nothing was going to change his mind. By the time we left he was settled down and either pacified or tired out.
He will be a little happier tomorrow, I get to tell him his new chair comes on Friday. He is been waiting like a kid for Christmas, so that will give him something to look forward to. We also have a "trapeze" over his bed now so he can grab it and assist with movement. There are also bands that attach to it for him to use for self-exercise, just aren't here yet.
They are doing therapy at the hospital, he seems to look forward to that again... he is determined that he will walk again, When he comes home they will continue to come and work with him along with a speech therapist finally.
Mom is still doing quite well, The way she is holding up has impressed me immensely. Sometimes it seems as she gets overwhelmed, so Kathy or I will get her out of the house for a while. Lately Don has been coming up on weekends and spending time with Mom and Dad, which gives me time to get stuff done at the houses that needs to be done before winter hits.
Hopefully I can keep you all more up to date now.
Any questions or concerns feel free to contact us....
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing their way...
Love to All;

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