Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008 (Day 219)

Today was quite an excursion for Dad, we took him to the VA. The trip really wasn't as bad as I expected. We were gone for about 3-1/2 hours and got quite a bit accomplished. His meds are straightened out, he was quite pleased they got rid of the insulin shots and back on a pill.we made a few appointments for PT's to get him evaluated for equipment he will be needing. Actually I was quite impressed with the whole set-up there. Dad was sure whipped when we got home, thank god for narcotics.
After he had a nap, Uncle Bob and Aunt Dee showed up.... along with Uncle David and Aunt Kam, he was just about beside himself with excitement! They had a short, but, pleasing visit. He decided that Sunday will be a tough trip but he is going to do it.
Kathy and I dressed him in jeans and a shirt for the first time in seven months, Kathy asked him how that felt he replied "strange".
Things are looking up daily, I am realizing that parts of my life, all of our lives, will never be the same again. But I am more than happy to do what Dad needs to be comfortable. I am thankful that Kathy is so understanding and supportive of the time I spend assisting Mom with Dad. I got really lucky with this one.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing Dads way.... he needs them now as much as ever......
Love to All;

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