Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday, November 27 (Day 274)

Kathy and I had dinner at our house today, I used my "redneck wheelchair ramp" and brought Dad over. He was up for almost 6 hours, and didn't want to go home. He said he really enjoyed getting out of the house and visiting with everyone. He ate a decent meal and sat and talked. He was getting uncomfortable in his chair so we moved him to the chaise, he says he wants one of them. There was one point where he had all three dogs with him too. Bruce came up with Don and then went home with Cortney and Fran. Don is going to stay a few days and help decorate Mom and Dads house.
Dads nurse was in today (yes, on Thanksgiving) she said Dad is doing real well, every thing looks good and we are doing great job with him, sure makes ya feel good, I worry about if I am doing right by him. I guess parents are like kids they don't come with instructions either.
I hope everyone had as good of a day as we had and have as much to be thankful for as we do, please remember in this season to appreciate each other as I have learned to do.
Please keep the prayers and thoughts flowing his way.........
Love to All;

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