Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 25 (Day 272)

Dad is doing quite well physically, emotionally he is up and down. He tries to not show that he is down, but his eyes tell a different story. He and I talked for about an hour or so tonight, hopefully it will help him to feel better. We are having dinner Thursday, and Kathy has the Christmas decorations done, some of the kids are coming, along with Don and Bruce, maybe that will help lift his spirits too.
Monday night his PT did get some movement in his right leg!! it wasn't much, but it was still a little bit of "controlled" movement there, so there is hope yet. He is also working with an OT, a nurse and a speech pathologist. So they are keeping him busy and wore out too.
Will post more in a day or so... Please keep the prayers and thoughts flowing his way......
Love to All;

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