Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday, Jan 10 2009 (Day 319)

Not much new to post today. Which I guess in it's own way is a good thing. Dad is still making more progress daily, he i spending more time out of his bed, although, we would like to wee more and longer, he is doing what he can. His speech therapist is extremely pleased with his progress, they were "singing" yesterday day, it is a way for Dad to practice words and phrases that are easy for him to remember. He is getting much better at letting us know what he wants or needs, he just gets frustrated when he is trying to carry a conversation and gets stuck on a word.
Dad seems to be doing much better emotionally too, I really think the family get together on Tuesday helped him a bunch, He said he "can still be included and feel like a person" so we are working on more. He needs to build up his riding ability, then we can do more. Until home care is over we really can't take him out too much anyway. This upcoming week he has a Doctor appointment, after which he wants to go have Chinese.
Although he is improving please remember him in your thoughts and prayers......
Love to All;

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