Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 28 2008

These laptops are nice, but I cant plug directly into a modem (at least I think I can't?!?!?!) and my wireless router decided to pass on.... so now here I am.
Dad is doing quite well, his spirits are continuing to improve, he has been much more upbeat and happier the past few days. We had him to my house Sunday for about four hours. He was tired but VERY happy. Bruce got home on Thursday, so that was a little pressure off Dad.
His appetite is continuing to get better, and he is more vocal about what he is eating. His blood sugar has been doing well too, they monitor it and occasionally he needs an injection.
Therapy wise Dad has been working on "compensatory" skills to help him work with his disabilities and help him to do things by himself. He is able to roll to the right but needs assistance going towards the left. He can lift his butt off the bed to help dress and undress himself. Many things he needed alot of help with he can help us to help him. Although Dad is improving he still needs ALOT of assistance, but he is improving. He is able to feed himself most things, other than soup or something in a bowl or cup.
We are working on packing the house, and getting them ready to move. Both Mom and Dad are excited and nervous about the change, but they have decided this together and will make it together.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing their way.....
Love to All;

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