Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday, August 3,2008

Dad had another good week, he is getting restless and ready to get out of there. He has been making great strides in therapy. He has been working on his handwriting this week, it is scratchy but improving. He has been working on standing and hand eye coordination and doing quite well with it.
Dad has been giving me quite a bit of grief about needing a haircut (it was about an inch long), he also wanted his cut too. Kathy gave us both haircuts this morning. So, he was happy about that. Cortney and Fran were up to see him today. They brought Beau (their Yorkie) in to see "Grampa". Boy was he tickled. Don came with them and we all had a nice visit.
Dad wants to go to the new house this upcoming weekend and supervise. He says he needs to use his mind for a while instead of just sitting around. He hopes it is ready by the time he is released. Dad and I were talking about him coming home tonight. He is looking forward to it alto ugh he admits to being nervous. I know when he is settled in he will feel better. I am going to talk to his discharge specialist in the morning to see what else he is going to need when he is released.
I will try and post more often, I am out of school now so I will have a little extra time for the next few weeks. Don't forget, please free to give us a call or drop me an e-mail if you have any questions.
Please remmeber to mention Dad and Mom in your prayers..............
Love to All;

1 comment:

The Johnson J's!! said...

Skip, thanks for commenting on my blog!! I have gotten your blogsite address from my mom and dad more times than I can count, and then when I go to look at it, I have lost where I have written it down at. I am glad that I have now added it to my blog stalk list for my daily viewing!! I am glad that your mom enjoys it as well!! I hope your dad keeps improving. Things sound like they are looking up! Your family is in our prayers!