Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday, August 15 2008

Dad continues to show some improvement. He still has a long battle ahead of him. Dad was transferred today to Bay Care Services, it is a "lateral" move from the hospital. He needs more care than they can give at the facility, he needs more and longer care they can give him on a regular hospital floor, yet not sick enough to be in ICU. The average stay at BCS is two to three weeks then he will go back to Hampton to finish his stay.
Dad is not happy about this transfer, he was told it is a "long term facility" so he thought it was a nursing home. It took a lot of convincing, I am not sure he believes me yet.
The doctors are treating him for pneumonia and CHF, they are more concerned about the pneumonia than the latter. Hopefully when the fluid is gone from his lungs the pressure will come off his heart.
I will post more tomorrow, Please keep Dad in your prayers....
Love to All;

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