Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, August 11 2008

Well, Dad had a really good week. He was making excellent progress until last (Sunday) night.
About 10:30 last night Dad had a "focal seizure"; the facility called an ambulance, then me. Mom and Bruce were at the Carland house. The response time was awesome... less than 10 minutes from phone call to ER!
The ER staff got him stabilized, he was totally unresponsive when Kathy and I got there until about 12:30, when he started to come around. They did a CT of his head; there is no new damage, so it was not another stroke or a TIA. The doctor is attributing this to the previous stroke and the damage done then.
Dads heart rate was quite elevated (about 144 bpm) so they did a CT of his chest, they found "speckles" in his lungs, they are at this time testing to find out whether he has congestive heart failure, pneumonia again or both. They should have an answer this afternoon.
He is at Bay Medical Center in the ICU, he is stablized, doing better, is responding and interacting with us and staff.
Please remember to keep them in your prayers and Thank You all so much for caring.
Love to All;
Until this latest episode passes I will try and post daily so I can keep you all posted and updated.

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