Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday, August 17 2008

Dad is pretty much holding steady on his illnesses. Last night they installed his pic tube (which went quite well) and they started his antibiotic regimen. Now we just have to try and get his spirits up so he wants to beat this. Mom, Kathy, Bruce, Don, Kaitlyn and I spent of the day with him, he was tired but said he had a good day.
Dad will be in Bay Special Care for at least three weeks. After that he has two weeks back at at. Dad isn't real pleased about the set-back, but that is part of the reason behind the depression.
I know, as well all of you, Dad is a fighter and a survivor. The thing that concerns me is he has stated several times 'I am tired, I don't want to fight He also has been talking about his mother and he wants to see her. I guess I can't blame him.
Please pray for him and Mom, they need the support and the love.
Love to All;

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