Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday, August 18 2008

WOW what a change!?!? Overnight Dad has done a TOTAL turn around. This morning Dad informed me he wants to fight this and come home. He is talking again quite well and he started therapy today. Cortney came to see him, along with his usual visitors. He was more chipper and interactive today than he has been in two weeks.
It is so good to see Dad coming around and saying he wants to make it. I know we were worried and actually scared. Dad still has a long road ahead of him, but with out his help, none of the medicine they could use won't help.
We will be having a meeting in the next few days with his doctors and care staff, I will relay that info as soon as we know when and what. They haven't done any new X-Rays or test to see how his chest is looking.
We met his therapist today, she has talked to Dads therapist at HHCR, she told us Dad has seen a major set-back in his abilities. She did have Dad sitting in a chair, although he cannot sit up on his bedside with out support. Hopefully this will recover as his strength returns. We just have to remember to be patient and hopeful and see how things go day by day
Thanks for being out there when we went through this last battle.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing his way.....
Love to All;

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