Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday, August 24 2008 (Day 186)

Today we only spent a short time with my Father. He seems to be doing better, if he could only get around his aphasia, he seems to be bouncing back and forth in his ability to communicate or at least express himself thoroughly and correctly. Mom and I can usually understand him, as we know most of his "codes". Tonight Jerry (his RN) told us he seems to be going backwards with it, I don't know if I agree or not. It seems since his first stroke he has gets harder to understand when he is tired.
The pain in his leg (or back??) seems to be more livable for him. They have been trying to keep ahead of it. His nurses think it could just be a lack of mobility issue. He has been pretty much immobile for two weeks as of today. They stopped his PT when he was hospitalized, started it again last week, then stopped again because of his respiration issue. Dad said the day he had PT he felt better, hopefully he can get started soon and see if that helps.
Today was a day of mixed emotions, we had a "SAMS pod" delivered to Mom and Dads house, Uncle Bob,Aunt Dee, Aunt Nancy, Tim, Lisa, Ken, Cortney, Tim (CJ's brother) Kaitlyn, Mom, Kathy, Don, Bruce and I spent a looooong day packing and loading. We got most of the way through 41 years of accumulation (we moved into the house on labor day of 1967). It is hard to let go of such a huge part of our lives. I am trying to keep in mind that we can keep the memories, it isn't the building that makes it home; Mom and Dad make it a home. It was SO GREAT to have all that help, without them we would have been days doing what we got done in one day. We sent all (hopefully) of Dads township work with Carolyn and Dennis, Carolyn knew what was what, and we had NO idea. You could see by his office though that Dad has been slipping for quite a while and we really hadn't been able to tell. Hindsight is 20/20, right??

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