Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday, August 25 2008 (Day 187)

Well things for Dad are looking up once again. He started therapy again today, and as we expected, the pain in his leg has all but gone away. Dad did not need any pain meds at all today. Hopefully getting some movement and repositioning he will begin to fell better.
Dads attitude and outlook have improved immensely, that in itself is a MAJOR help. He has starting a countdown until he goes back to heartland. He is actually looking forward to the new house and asking how progress is coming on it.
Dads speech is improving daily, it probably helps that he is not getting the drugs, he is getting more clear everyday. Dad is back to talking in sentences and bigger words. You can just about carry on a conversation with him.
Thank You all for the support for my parents over the past six months, please keep the prayers and good thoughts flowing for them.
Love to All;

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