Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday, August 21 2008 PM (Day 183)

Dad is still on the right track. They have taken him off of pureed foods and are given him "real" food again, he seems to be more getting more full off that. He has to have a 1 on 1 while he eats, he "cheeks" food on the right side (he can't tell its there) and occasionally gets a rhythm going and forgets to chew and/or swallow. His speech is improving slowly, when he is sleepy or drugged (which is most of the time) he is almost impossible to understand.
Dads vitals are staying regulated and they have him off the monitor during the day, He is still getting hammered with antibiotics, which seem to be helping. He is also getting meds for the pain in his right leg and arm. He waits so long to ask for his meds that he is miserable by the time he gets them.
Dad has been off therapy since Tuesday, they will begin again as he can tolerate it. The lack of movement may have a lot to do with the pain in his extremities. Hopefully they can start again and get him moving soon.
Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts they are still needed.
Love to All;

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