Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday, August 12 2008

Dad is doing better today; They moved him from ICU and out him in a standard room. He says he is tired and feels like he has had "the @$%! beat out of him". His EEG reading is not back yet so we are still waiting on that. This morning he was upbeat and talking. After lunch he started not feeling well, all he wanted to do was sleep. Aunt Nancy, Aunt Dee and Uncle Bob came to see him, try as he might he couldn't stay awake. Mom and I went back to help him with dinner, he was feel a little better. As soon as he ate he started feeling bad again. They called his doctor to see what he thinks. Could be he hasn't had a BM (sorry) in four days, so they are trying to remedy that.
As far as his vitals everything is back in line for him. His sugar is lower than he normally runs but still in a safe zone. He has the color back in face and he looks better, just seems more confused and is worried this will set him back in therapy, I can't say if it will or not.
They are concentrating on his pneumonia more than anything at this point. Dad is still getting Lasiks for the fluid buildup in and around his lungs although it is not too bad.
Mom is doing much better and has calmed down immensely, she along with everyone else was scared. She is beginning to relax and get back to normal.
Please remember them in your prayers and keep the positive thoughts flowing their way
Love to All;

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