Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday, August 13 2008

Dad is still showing progress, albeit slow. He is beginning to talk more and sometimes is a bit hard to understand. He is extremely worn out and tired. Last night he was having an erratic heart beat, it straightened out about 6 this morning and hasn't happened again today. Hopefully it was just a fluke. There was suppose to be a heart specialist come into see him, he hasn't been in yet (as of 9:00 he was in the building yet). Dad is still having a hard time breathing but the oxygen is being backed down and he is holding his level fine.
Things are looking up for him; seems like he just hit a bump in the road and has had a set-back. Dad is not in the clear yet, although he is on his way.
Please keep Dad in your prayers and the positive thoughts flowing his way
Love to All;

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