Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday, September 5 2008 (Day 198)

Once again I can report a few good days for my Dad. Everything is looking better for him. He says the doctor said he will leave BSC on Tuesday; no one knows the day for sure, but the plan is for next week sometime to go back to HHCR.
Dads speech and vocabulary is getting stronger everyday, along with his memory. Dad is talking much more and getting his points across so much better. He is still having some pains in his legs. His GI issue is getting better, although not regular, getting easier and less cramping.
Mom will be going to Ford Hospital in October for a physical and check up to see about getting a kidney transplant, it still could be a couple of years before a donor comes along, I was going to give one before, but I can't because of health issues.
The new house is on hold for a couple days, I tried to trim my nails with the table saw, I did get to keep my finger, didn't get all the way through, but hurts a little bit. Hopefully can be back to work on it Saturday.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing their way...........
Love to All;

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