Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday, September 8 2008 (Day 201)

Dad is still on the upswing, he is back to worrying about different things that he doesn't need to. I guess it is a sign he is doing better. Dad is BORED, he wants to get out of BSC. He is ready to go home, he said tonight he his scared, he is worried about Mom being able to care for him. Don and I spent quite a while explaining to him that is why they moved to Bay City. He understands that Kathy and I will be here to help and the rest will help when they can. Dad said he is not as worried, but, he still is. I know we have a rough road ahead of us, I feel though, we owe at least this much to him. He is terrified of ending up in a nursing home.
Dad is still doing therapy, although not as much as he was getting. His left leg is still giving him trouble, the way he describes it is "charley horses" in his calf tonight. He is sitting up and "standing" for up to eight minutes at a stretch. He wants to get back to the PT's and his old stomping grounds.
There has been no word on when he will be leaving BSC, they have said it should be this week, it can't be soon enough for him.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing his way......
Love to All;

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