Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008 (Day 233)

Dad is doing and feeling much better. He is still excited about the new chair coming. His whole outlook has seemed to come around. Uncle Bob and Aunt Dee were up yesterday and spent a couple of hours with visiting with him. He was sure full of the Devil, you could really see the "old" Dad in him. He was laughing and joking all day. Seems nice to see him like that again.
Dad's pain has receded quite a bit. he is moving easier, fewer "Oh Mans" and he is assisting us with rolling and transferring more. He did get a stronger pain pill to take if he needs it, hopefully he won't need to them too often.
Dad got a big surprise this morning, Kathy from Heartland stopped by to see him! He was tickled pink. The girls up there (Eric too) really meant a lot to him and he said "they forgot him", so it really meant alot to see her (the Zucchini bread was awesome too). He wants to drive up there when he gets the power chair and visit, so he said I could take him.
I know I said it earlier but, Dad seems very happy and less depressed now, he says he can go out and do stuff without getting as sore. He was in his recliner for a couple hours today too. He really likes the massage feature in it..... said he didn't want it on, before I could turn it back off he's telling me "leave it, leave it!!"
Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts.....
Love to All and Happy Sweetest Day;

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