Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday, October 22 2008 (Day 238)

Sorry about posting late..... Dad has had a rough few days. The pain meds he was given originally were not taking the edge off. He was prescribed something a bit stronger (morphine), well, Dad and morphine are not compatible. We discontinued it Monday AM when we realized Dad was hallucinating. Over the past few days he has had night terrors, severe confusion, paranoia and hallucinations. He is doing much better now, although Mom and I are exhausted.
On a brighter note he is gaining strength on his left side, his right side is still just there. He is getting able to assist more with his daily rituals now.
Mom is adjusting to him being there better, the last few days were a challenge though. I know with support and help she will make it. Respite care will be in Friday, so we are going to take Mom somewhere, anywhere, just to give her a break.
Please keep the prayers and thoughts flowing towards them
Love to All;

In the side bar I updated their address, so now you will all have it.... (Thanks Dorothy)

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