Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, November 13 2008, (Day 260)

mom and I met Uncle Bob and Aunt Dee at the facility while Dad ate lunch. It is so awesome to see Dad up and feeding himself again. He did such an awesome job! He has some issues with stuff in bowls, but gives it a try anyway.
One of his therapist says he isn't doing as well as he should, another says he is doing great. I feel by watching him and talking to him that he is doing great. His speech is improving, until he gets tired then he begins slurring some. Yesterday they had him in the parallel bars, he cannot support himself but with help he can stand there. They are working quite hard on his sitting and balance which he is doing quite well at.
His appetite is great and all the "health" issues are cleared up. They still take his blood daily and are monitoring everything quite closely.
The original plan was for 2 weeks, possibly three, now they are talking about taking it a week at a time, Dad isn't happy but, he knows as well as we do that it is doing him good and will take whatever they offer.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing.....
Love to All;

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