Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday, Jan 3 2009 (Day 312)

Welcome to a new year... Wow to be honest I'm glad the last year is over.
Dad is continuing to improve daily. He is making great strides forward, I am almost scared, waiting to get knocked backwards again. Dads speech is unbelievable, he can carry a decent conversation with you now. He stumbles on some words and has a hard time with names, although that too is improving. He is very clear most of the time about what he wants and needs.
Physically, Dad is not moving as quickly. He seems to be "thinking ahead" more lately tho. Yesterday, I put him in bed with the Hoyer, as I went around to unhook the sling, He laughed, when I looked to see what was up, he had already undone the straps! He does as much as he can with his left arm. Billie is teaching him compensatory skills and exercises he can do on his own. Dad is beginning to help more when we dress him and tries to readjust himself in his chair. Pam and I stood him for 35 seconds, doesn't seem like a long time but he worked his tail off to make it. Lately when I do a transfer or "boost" i do a three count and tell him to push, he can assist some now. Dad is also able to twist far enough to get his hand on the bed rail, then pull himself to his right side.
I know he Tri-Cities area give us a call and drop in, Dad would LOVE it.

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