Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday, January7 2008 (Day 316)

Yesterday (Tuesday) was a BIG day for Dad, Mom, Kathy and I took Dad to Uncle Bob and Aunt Dee's for the afternoon to visit! Uncle Jim, Aunt Helen, Aunt Nancy along with Fred and Betty were there when we arrived. As the afternoon progressed Chris and his son Ryan stopped to see him too. Dad was tired and sore, but said it was sure worth it. It was worth it to us to be able to see Dad enjoying himself so much and being out of the house for a change. He is doing SO well, his speech and movement is always improving. He is also thinking ahead of the moment instead of having to concentrate so hard on just being able to perform a task.
This morning when I got there he was up and playing a card game with Billie, Dad tries so hard, it is great to see him reaching some goals and getting something for all his effort.
Please remember to keep him in your thoughts and prayers......
Love to All;

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