Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 22 2009 (Day 331)

Just when things start looking up --BAM-- another setback. Dad is going to have a triple By-pass at 10 am in the morning. It all started yesterday, Dad was complaining of chest pains and then his arm started aching, well after 4-1/2 hour in the ER they decided to keep him overnight, BP, heart rate, blood test.. all fine. This morning they gave him a stress test and his EKG was not right, so he had to have a heart cath. They found severe blockage in 3 arteries, so his overnight stay has been extended. They say he is actually in better shape physically than most people having this surgery so they aren't expecting any extra complications, as far as his recovery, that will take longer as he is not as mobile.
Mom is holding up quite well, scared, yes. but holding together. We discussed this procedure with Dad and he said "Lets do it". Dad is alert enough, and understands everything enough that we know he is making the right decision and the one he wants.
I will post tomorrow and let you know how everything goes......
Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts throughout the day....
Love to All;

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