Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, January 20 2009 (Day 329)

It is getting difficult to post lately, although Dad is making excellent progress, he seems to have leveled out some. His therapy has been extended another 4 weeks, as he is making progress. The home nurses have stopped coming as of Friday. Mom still gets the respite aide once a week and a bath aide comes in twice weekly.
Paul (his speech therapist) is working on full sentences and certain "needs". He is trying to get Dad to tell us what he wants or needs more clearly. They are also working on recognition and clarity, he seems to be making progress, but it will come and go depending on Dads alertness.
I do know spring cannot get here fast enough for Dad, he is getting anxious to get outdoors and get some fresh air. He keeps telling me he is going to help me with yard work this year. He is trying very hard to keep his spirits up, sometimes it does get overwhelmed occasionally but is trying to understand what happened and why it happened.
Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts.....
love to All;

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