Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday, August 29 2008 (Day 191)

Today was once more a good day for Dad; He is having "bowel issues" again. So he is cramping quite badly and is uncomfortable; other than that he is doing fairly well. He says he is scared, although he knows he is improving. Seems like Dad has realized how mortal we are. He must be feeling better; as he is riding me about my cigarettes and not getting so stressed, Yeah right.
Dad's speech is improving everyday. Tonight he talked to the nurse and quite clearly explained where he is hurting, and how it feels. He was questioning me about the new house and the progress there. He wants to know if I am doing this or that right.
They are assisting him with meal set-up, and prep, then he feeds himself and is doing an awesome job at it.As far as PT; they are sitting him in a chair and doing some range of motion, along with hand/eye coordination, nothing like the intensity he was getting at HHCR. Hopefully he can get back there and on track soon.
Mom is still doing well, she has actually been feeling better and doing more. She says that moving out of the house isn't bothering her as much as she thought it would, Other than leaving their friends behind, she is actually getting excited about the change. We are trying to teach her how to get around the city, she can get to Kroger, Meijer, her doctor and the clinic. She is getting comfortable with the east side but forget going across the river. She'll learn soon enough. Mom likes the fact that there are handicap taxis and buses here and that the hospital is less than a mile from their house.
Please keep praying for them and the positive thoughts flowing.....
Love to All;

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