Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28 2008 PM (Day 190)

Sorry about the late post, After visiting Dad; I was back working on the new house and when I got home , next thing I knew it was light out.

Once again Dad is doing quite well, he was tired last night, but still quite coherent and interactive. He is, once again, starting to ask questions about the houses and the "outside" world. He really has no memory of the past few weeks and the different things that were done.

Dad is finally on "room air" and holding 97% oxygen in his system. He says having the hose off feels better. They are still working on the pneumonia, although it is well on its way out. The pressure on his heart is letting up as the lungs clear.

His PT is helping with the pain in his right leg and the discomfort has returned to his left, so things are getting back to normal. He also has start wearing a "glove" on his right hand to keep the swelling down. Ed (his RN) squeezed Dads right arm, Dad actually felt it. He concentrates so hard on his hand and the thumb will "twitch". This is such a little movement but it is AWESOME.
Please keep the prayers coming and keep them in your thoughts..........
Love to All;

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