Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday, August 30 2008 (Day 192)

Dad was doing much better tonight; they started him on a new prescription to help with his GI issue, so he can be more comfortable. The pain he has been feeling in his leg is starting to let up. He was off oxygen all night and held great oxygen levels; so now he doesn't need that hose under his nose.
Dad was talking quite clearly tonight, his aphasyia is getting back to the point he was before the latest episode. He is able to converse and relay information to the staff, which makes his life easier.
When Dad got transferred to BSCH he was quite depressed, after upping his anti-depressant he has really come around, he is joking and smiling more often. He has an excellent attitude towards getting better and back on with his life. He seems to be much happier and less "touchy" than he was even before he left HHCR. Hopefully this will stick with him for a while.
Please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing his way......
Love to All;

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