Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, August 11 2008 (#2)

Dad is continuing to show improvement, He is extremely tired and confused. They have run a battery of test on him today. The doctors have concluded that he has pneumonia again NOT congestive heart failure. They are running test to find out what caused the seizure. Dad had another MRI and a EEG to try and determine what is causing the seizures.
They also dopplered his neck arteries and scoped his lungs. This morning his pulse rate came down to normal and his blood pressure is back in line as well as the rest of his vitals.
Ability wise he is almost where he was before he had the seizures. He is quite tired and hard to understand tonight, but he has his appetite back and is eating quite well.
I wanted to share this good news with all of you; will post more as I get more information
Please keep him and Mom in your prayers
Love to All;

1 comment:

The Johnson J's!! said...

He is in our prayers along with you and your mom. I am glad that you are there with her at such a hard time. Tell her we love her lots!