Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday, August 19 2008

Today was a rough one for Dad, he started out with his sugar plummeting, then his blood pressure and heart rate sky-rocketed. They got those under control for a bit. Then his BP and heart rate dropped drastically, and his sugar shot up. By late afternoon this was stabilized. He has been sweating profusely, his bedding and gown have been changed twice daily. Now that has stopped also.
Through all of this today he has kept his spirit up. He is talking better every day, He still has difficulty finding the right words. Everyday his aphasyia gets less noticeable. I spoke to his nurse tonight about changing his diet, hopefully, from pureed to chopped or cut. They will discuss this with Dads speech therapist in the AM.
Tonight Dads right leg was getting stabbing or burning pains, He got medication for pain and has settled down and is resting.
As of 11PM Dads sugar is holding well, his BP has stayed down, and the sweating has stayed down. So, hopefully Dad will rest tonight.
Looks like we are in for a roller coaster of a week,
The new house is coming along well, I have the ramp and porch built and most of the adaptions done. We should be able to start moving their belongings in a week or so!
Please remember to keep Dad and Mom in your prayers and thoughts.....
Love to All;

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