Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, August 31 2008 (Day 193)

Dad said he had a rough night; He was awake for most of the night from nightmares. He doesn't remember what they were about, all he knows is he was scared. He was a little nervous about going back to sleep tonight. He has a "glove" on his right hand to keep the swelling down, tonight the thumb was all red, I was taking the glove down, I thought it was blood, Dad laughed and said "me and the jello had a problem".
Other than that, Dad is doing quite well tonight. He is feeling better and looking quite a bit better. He is still eating well and has a week left on the antibiotic regime. His lungs are clearing up and his CHF score is coming down. They are doing a great job keeping his sugar regulated. Tonight his leg was just starting to get uncomfortable when we left other than that he is doing fine.
Dad was talking clearly tonight, Mom and I were talking with him about the hurricane and some Iraq stuff and he was actually leading the conversation, Bruce and Don came up and Dad was talking to them just as anyone would be able to talk.
Although Dad has made amazing strides this week, please remember to keep him in your prayers and keep the him in your thoughts.
Love to All;

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