Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday, August 27 2008 (Day 189)

Dad, ever so slightly, moved the thumb on his right hand! There has been NO movement or sensation on that arm since his stroke! He is still on an upward climb; He is doing and feeling so much better. Tonight we discussed how the house was coming and the moving process. He was going over what he wanted to do with different items.
Dad started speech therapy along with his regular today; he was quite pleased with the progress and his ability to shape different words. He gets tired or excited his speech gets harder to figure out. His appetite is leveling out, and he is beginning to feed himself better. The ST gave him a new plate today, it has rubber feet and a raised lip on one side to assist him getting food on the fork.
Right now, Dads main complaint is he cramps after eating, the thought is some of the meds he is on will slow down his GI tract. As that gets out of his system hopefully that will begin to subside.
I am very glad I have the chance to once again report good news, please keep the prayers and positive thoughts flowing his way......
Love to All;

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