Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday, August 20 2008

Dad once again had a better day. His sugar dropped significantly this morning, they continued the fructose drip and have it stabilized. Dads BP is holding quite well. Other than the pain in his right leg he is doing much better. No one is quite sure what is causing this, whether it is physical, neurological or what. Tomorrow morning, Mom and I have an appointment to meet with his care staff, including his doctors, so hopefully we can get a few more answers. With my luck I will probably have many more questions.
Dads appetite is so much better. He is eating quite well, usually what they put on his tray and another PB and J! He is beginning to feed himself again and just about back where he was pre-seizure. Things are looking up.
I will post tomorrow after our meeting, until then please keep them in your prayers and thoughts.
Love to All;

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